The Benefits of Vegan and Cruelty Free Fashion

The Benefits of Vegan and Cruelty Free Fashion

The definition of veganism, according to the Vegan Society, goes as follows: Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. Vegan fashion and animal-friendly clothing has come a long way since its inception in the 1990s with cruelty-free fabrics, synthetic materials replacing leather, and it being accessible to everyone and not just celebrities.


 7 Benefits of Buying Vegan Clothing

Buying vegan clothing has many perks. Not only are these pieces sustainable, but they’re also environmentally friendly and ethical. Plus, if you’re an animal lover, then you’ll love knowing that no animals were harmed in the making of your garment. The following are seven great reasons to buy vegan clothes:


 1. Vegan Clothing is Sustainable 

Vegan clothing is created with environment-friendly materials in order to reduce pollution as well as encourage green practices.

 2. Avoid Animal Testing

Although it’s become more unacceptable in recent years, animal testing is still used to a certain extent. By being vegan or purchasing vegan products, you’re avoiding these practices altogether. From a health perspective, animal products aren’t always healthy for human consumption either. While more research is needed, studies have shown that vegans have lower cholesterol than non-vegans due to their lack of dietary fat from meat; if meat isn’t good for them, why would you want to consume it?

3. Avoid Waste and save Money 

The Benefits Of Vegan And Cruelty-Free Fashion: The vegan movement is gaining momentum, and more people are finding themselves drawn to its many charms. In fact, in a 2017 survey conducted by global market research firm YouGov, it was found that over one in every 20 Americans identified as vegan or vegetarian—and that number’s only expected to rise. Among meat-eaters who’ve recently ditched animal products, 87 percent reported they were happy with their decision to go vegan or vegetarian.

 4. Invest in Ethical Brands 

If you’re not one to shop second-hand, buying new clothes can be a surprisingly ethical option. We may cringe at how much we spend on clothing, but sometimes it’s worth it to invest in high-quality items that will last a long time. When you buy less but buy better, you reduce your impact on natural resources and help support companies that have pledged to be animal-friendly in their practices.

 5. Wear what you love regardless of Trends 

When you’re vegan, a lot of clothing choices are taken away from you. However, what people don’t realize is that nowadays, there are plenty of vegan options for those who care about their impact on animals. Additionally, you can find lots of clothing that is both vegan and cruelty-free without having to compromise style or quality. To create a closet full of gorgeous clothes that make you feel great both inside and out, read on to learn more about vegan/cruelty-free fashion trends!

 6. Support Smaller Businesses 

Supporting local businesses has many benefits, both to you as a consumer and to your community. When you buy from smaller brands, retailers are more likely to be transparent about their manufacturing practices, because they have less to hide. This means that they’re more likely to use vegan-friendly materials in their products—meaning no animal byproducts or animal testing. Buying vegan is great for animals, but it can also help support small businesses with ethical manufacturing practices. Try out some new products with ethically made designs today!

 7. Wear Less Clothes and Avoid Overconsumption 

As an avid animal rights activist, I’m a big fan of going vegan. And so, it might not come as much of a surprise that I’m also a supporter of ethical shopping practices. A lot of people are switching to cruelty-free and eco-friendly brands, but many still overlook one crucial element when buying new clothes: Do they contain any materials derived from animals? 


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